when you’re ready to go deeper

Advanced Meditation Techniques: Going Deeper

Once you are comfortable with basic mindfulness meditation, you can explore more advanced techniques to deepen your practice. Here are some methods to help you go further in your meditation journey:

1. Body Scan Meditation

  • Enhance your awareness of bodily sensations
  • Start at your toes and slowly move your attention up through your body, all the way to the top of your head
  • Focus on each body part, noticing any sensations, tension, or relaxation, without judgment

2. Loving-Kindness Meditation (Metta)

  • Cultivate compassion and empathy for yourself and others
  • Silently repeat phrases such as “May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be safe, may I be at ease”
  • Gradually expand your focus to include loved ones, acquaintances, and even those with whom you have conflicts

3. Object of Focus Meditation

  • Deepen your concentration by focusing on a specific object
  • This could be a physical object, a mental image, or a specific concept
  • Keep your attention on the chosen object, gently bringing your focus back to it whenever your mind wanders

4. Insight Meditation (Vipassana)

  • Develop a deeper understanding of the nature of reality
  • Observe your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment, noticing their impermanence and interconnectedness
  • As your awareness deepens, you may gain insights into the nature of your own mind and the world around you

5. Chakra Meditation

  • Balance and harmonize your body’s energy centers
  • Focus on each of the seven chakras, visualizing their associated colors and qualities
  • Clear any blockages or imbalances by sending healing energy to each chakra

6. Mantra Meditation

  • Enhance your focus and awareness through the repetition of a sacred word or phrase
  • Choose a mantra that resonates with you, such as “Om” or “So Hum”
  • Silently repeat the mantra in your mind, allowing it to become a natural part of your breath

Tips for Deepening Your Meditation Practice

  • Create a regular schedule: Dedicate a specific time of day for meditation, making it a consistent part of your routine
  • Lengthen your sessions: Gradually increase the duration of your meditation practice, aiming for 30 minutes or more
  • Attend meditation retreats: Join a retreat to deepen your practice in a supportive, immersive environment
  • Find a meditation community or teacher: Seek guidance from experienced practitioners and learn from their insights and experiences

Remember, meditation is a personal and lifelong journey. Be patient with yourself as you explore these advanced techniques, and allow your practice to evolve and deepen over time. By consistently dedicating yourself to meditation, you can experience profound personal growth, self-awareness, and inner peace.

Early on

David McClanahan:
David has been dedicated  to music and spirituality from an early age.  He taught at the university for 10 years, wrote 7 books and 70 technical articles. He has spent several years in spiritual centers and monasteries of many religions in India, Japan and across the US, he has spent ten percent of his life in meditation. This presentation is based on his next book: “Joyous Spirituality: A New Way of Being”.  David  has served as Vice-President and member of the Board of Trustees of New Thought Unity, Cincinnati, Ohio.  


New book , “The Fine Arts as a Spiritual Path” is nearly finished